Friday, September 16, 2011

If your happy and you know it clap your hands!

As I went into our apartment's laundry room to switch my clothes into the dryer from the washer, there was a man inside of there doing his laundry also. He looked at me and said, "what a way for us to be spending our Friday night, huh?" I laughed and thought to myself, "what else would I be doing?" After he left and I was finishing switching my clothes over I remembered long ago when Friday night meant dressing up and going out with friends. Those nights seem so distant, but I can still remember all of the great times I had. Do I wish I could go back and do things over so I could still be able to do things freely like I did before? Absolutely not. I would pick my daughter over those nights any day. Even if that does mean that I will forever be doing laundry on the weekends while everyone else is out.

Jayde on her new toy. She's getting so big!
Things have been irritating me a little more than usual this week, I have no idea why. But here is a list of the things that are annoying (be prepared for bitchiness):

1. Yesterday I went out with a friend to Red Robin for lunch with her and her baby girl. It was fun being able to spend some mommy time, it's nice to have people that I can talk to about baby stuff. While eating, Jayde was quiet for the most part while eating the food I had brought her and observing. Her baby was being a baby, babbling and using her vocal cords like most babies do. After lunch, we decided that we wanted to go and walk the mall and go shopping so we went out to our cars to get the strollers. While I was getting Jayde ready to go shopping, this old man walked up to me and said, "your baby is such a sweet heart, she is so quiet and so good. That baby," he said pointing to my friend, "well, that's a different story." I was astonished, I honestly really didn't know what to say. "Thank you?" I said back confused. Why would he come up and say this to me? Obviously she was my friend. Not only that, but we were parked right next to each other! She was standing not too far way! I had told her what happened and she pretty much had the same reaction as me. I seriously could not believe what he said. Her baby was being a baby, just experimenting with her vocal cord. Maybe I could understand if she was screaming and crying, but she wasn't. If your going to come to a public family restaurant, then you should expect noise, whatever it may be. If you want piece and quiet, then stay home or go somewhere else! How rude!

2. A couple days ago, Keith took a picture of Jayde's Graduate puffs that she loves so much. Basically the label is a little confusing. It reads, "naturally flavored with other natural flavors." Keith posted it onto facebook asking, "I'm confused, is it natural or not?!" Someone commented, "I think not... I didn't feed them to my youngest. I bought snacks from the organic section of the store.... always read your labels. watch the sugar and sodium per serving. I only fed them briefly to my oldest." I get she was trying to look out or whatever, but really? I thought to myself, "good for you!" I also felt as if she was trying to act like she was so wonderful because she bought from the organic section and that the puffs weren't acceptable by her standards. If she knew what she was talking about, she wouldn't have said anything. Not only do I make my daughters baby food from ORGANIC fruit and vegetables from scratch, but the puffs have 1g of sugar and 0g of sodium per 73 puffs. So, in other words, PLEASE SHUT UP! You pay attention to your kids, and I'll pay attention to mine!
Jayde's puffs container- natural or not? Whatever.
3. Today on someones facebook I saw someones status that read, "its annoying to see baby pics all the time on fb, no one cares. fishing for compliments from ppl u dont personally associate with is lame.." (Ya, not only is he irritating but he doesn't know proper grammar.) Usually these things wouldn't bother me. But, since I've already been in an irritated mood all week, I couldn't help but respond. I said, "You can't get annoyed over people posting pictures of their baby. If you don't like it, don't look at it. Just because you don't want to see it, doesn't mean others don't. Not trying to be rude, but I'm just saying.." Bitchy? Probably. But honestly, I don't care. He responded, "not trying to be rude, but thats why theres a button that blocks certain peoples posts =)" Yes, he is completely right. If you don't want to see pictures of my daughter, then block me. I don't post those pictures for you anyways. I post them because I love her and because I have family who rarely sees her.

Other than be being annoyed at little things, everything has been going really good. Not too much has changed.

Jayde is officially mobile! She doesn't know how to crawl the old fashion way, but she is a pro at the military crawl! It is so fun to watch her. Just today I was watching her throw her toys across the room and crawling to get them. She was having so much fun. Just the other day I went into the kitchen to put some dishes away, and all of the sudden I see her little head peak around the corner. I couldn't help but laugh. It was the cutest thing ever. She is so proud of herself and how she can maneuver around. Little does she know, mommy is probably more proud of her than she is of herself.

Jayde visiting mommy in the kitchen.
Jayde has taught herself how to clap. In the past, every time she accomplished something, I would clap my hands and cheer for her. I never thought that she would ever catch on and start clapping herself. Now every time someone cheers or claps their hands, Jayde does too. It's adorable. It's also a little crazy, because I realize that she really does watch and observe everything I do. But, now that I have realized that she is capable of learning new tricks I am trying to teach her a few other ones. The main one I'm trying to teach her is how to wave "bye-bye." So far, she kind of get it. She just flails one of her arms around and sometimes adds a "ba-ba" (Coincidence or on purpose? Who knows.) I am also teaching her how to give kisses. She definitely still needs work on this trick, but she is slowly getting it. If she does give you a kiss, she will come in with an open mouth! So if any of you try and give her a kiss and you accidentally swap spit, don't say that I didn't warn you!

1 comment:

  1. Knowing that she observes so intently, has me thinking of a lot of my bad habits that need to be corrected. I actually felt bad eating McDonald's in front of her.
