Thursday, September 22, 2011

Baby Fat

Since I could remember, I have never been your average "skinny girl." I was working on losing weight before I got pregnant and it was going great. I was in my own little routine of going to the gym almost daily, I even had my own personal trainer to help me with my goals. However, when I got pregnant, I had to put aside some things. While pregnant, your not technically suppose to diet. So, my plan was to eat healthy, for both the baby and me, and hopefully I would be losing the weight I needed while gaining the baby weight. My plan worked. It took a while for me to actually show because while my belly was shrinking, my baby belly was growing. I stopped going to the gym when I was about 24 weeks because one day after a work out, I had some light bleeding that freaked me out. Being afraid of the gym for a whole 6 months took me a few steps back from reaching my goal of getting in-shape.

While pregnant I only gained about 25lbs. With breastfeeding and my lack of eating, since I somehow always "forget" that I'm hungry, I was able to lose that weight pretty quickly. You probably asking yourself, "so, what's the big deal?" The big deal is that I still feel FAT. Months later, here I am. I've lost all my baby weight, yet somehow none of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit. My body feels like it's completely different. I guess I should have prepared myself for this. What was I expecting? I was carrying a baby for 9 long months. I surely couldn't of possibly thought that after being pregnant my body would be the same, could I? Sadly, I did.

The last month I haven't been eating very healthy. I've been eating out a lot and eating "whatever is quick." I have been so busy taking care of my baby that I forgot that I need to take care of myself too. Luckily, before I gained all my pregnancy weight back and more, I realized that I needed to make changes. About 4 days ago, I started eating better. I've also started taking Jayde on walks in the morning. It's only been 4 days, and I can already feel my body thanking me. I feel less tired and feel like I have more energy. It's amazing! I can only imagine what it will feel when I start to actually shed pounds. Not only do I look forward to the day that I will be able to fit comfortably into my pre-pregnancy clothes, but I also hope to go down a few sizes as well. I hope to finally reach my goal of being healthy and in-shape. Not only do I owe a healthy life to myself, but I owe it to my daughter.

Before: Jayde excited for our morning walk. After: Jayde fast asleep, all that walking wore her out! (Even though mommy did all the work.)

1 comment:

  1. LIKE... oh yeah, this isn't facebook, but you would get a "like" from me.
