Friday, September 2, 2011

Fond of Fondue

I am sitting here and waiting for my last batch of vegetables to steam and puree. While I sit here, I think about the last past weeks and about all of the changes that have been happening. My daughter is now almost 8 months and I can't even believe it, time really does go by so damn fast! Just to think that in 4 months I will be celebrating Jayde's first birthday is just crazy!

I just found out on Monday that I am suppose to be feeding Jayde 3 meals a day. THREE MEALS?! No wonder why she is eating 6-10 ounces in the morning, I have been depriving her of food! I was only feeding her one meal a day, which makes me feel like a horrible mother. The day I found out I needed to be feeding her more, I gave her a second meal when I got home. This whole week I have been giving her both breakfast AND lunch. Next week I will introduce her third meal, dinner. I can already say right now that with Jayde eating lunch, her breast milk intake has decreased. I can't even imagine how much more it will decrease once I start giving her dinner. Her eating solids can be tiring at times. With her eating more meals, means I have to be making her more food constantly. Not only that, but she takes about an hour at each meal time to eat. Already, that's about 2 hours a day that I'm sitting at the table feeding her. Each mealtime she is still eating about 6-10oz of food. The nutritionist that I talked to said that once I start feeding her on a regular basis that the amount she consumes per mealtime will decrease. So far, it hasn't. I'm sure hoping it does! If not, then I will be in the kitchen almost every night making baby food! I am already starting to miss the convenience of breastfeeding. With breastfeeding there is nothing to prepare and nothing to clean.

Last Saturday Jayde stayed the night at my moms house. That whole day I was so nervous! I spent most of my time that day pacing around the house and packing Jayde's things. I wanted to make sure that she would have absolutely everything she needed! Even though I was a nervous wreck, there was also a part of me that was excited. This was going to be the first time since Jayde was born that I was going to be able to spend time with Keith alone. At about 4:45pm, I packed everything into my car. (I definitely over packed, but I rather pack too much then too little.) Keith walked out with Jayde in her car seat, loaded her in the car, and then I was on my way to drop her off. While pulling out of the parking lot, I started getting anxiety. What if she cried the whole time? What if she didn't go to sleep? What if she NEEDED me? I could feel my heart beating up my throat, I just couldn't believe that this was the last time I was going to see Jayde until in the morning. I arrived at my moms house and explained everything in detail: when she eats, what she eats, her bedtime routine, what she sleeps in, etc. I needed to make sure that nothing would go wrong. I gave Jayde one final hug and kiss, told her to be a good girl, and let her know I would be back for her in the morning. I tried to stay as calm and as happy as possible, because I know she can pick up on my energy. After I got into my car I put on my sunglasses so no on would see me cry while I drove. I was balling all the way home. I had never felt so empty and sad in my whole entire life. Thank god I waited until after dropping her off to put my make up on.

When Keith and I left for Sacramento, I started feeling a lot better. All of the sadness and anxiety was slowly fading, and my excitement was reemerging. I knew that me dropping Jayde of with my mom for the night was the best decision because of the fact that I was going to be drinking. On the way there we stopped in Fairfield at the mall so I could return a few things that I had bought at Forever 21. While going to get my wallet in my purse, I realized that I had left it at home. Usually it wouldn't have been a big deal, but since I was planning on drinking that night and didn't have my ID, I was a little upset. I was so thankful that Keith drove all the way back home to Martinez to get it. Especially since that was one of the only places that decided to card me! It was a wonderful night. The food was fantastic, the drinks were great, and I loved spending time with my family and Keith without having to worry about a baby. Dinner was about 3 hours long, and it was 11:45pm when we left The Melting Pot. Keith and I decided that since this was going to be the only time in a long time that we were going to have some time to ourselves, we went to a bar and had some more drinks. We ended up getting home at about 2:00am.

Dessert was Delicious!
My favorite drink of the night- Love martini. Yes, the strawberries are in the shape of hearts.
I was planning on picking JaydeJayde was. She said everything was fine and told me to take my time. Take my time? I literally rolled out of bed and ran out the door. I was anxious the whole ride over, I couldn't stop fidgeting. Finally I got to my moms house. I walked in and Jayde looked at me and smiled. I was so extremely happy. I took her in my arms, gave her a hug and a kiss, and then I fed her. My mom told me that she was great while at her house. She fell asleep at about 8:30pm and slept through the night until 6:00am, which means she slept a few hours less than usual.

The picture I woke up to in the morning. Jayde at my mom's house waiting for me to pick her up.
Jayde is ALMOST crawling. She is a fantastic roller, and she has been doing well scooting. It's so funny watching her try to maneuver. She knows how to work her legs perfectly, the only thing she needs help on is her arms. She will pull up onto her knees and look as if she is about to crawl, but then she face plants onto the ground. Even though she isn't crawling yet, she sure does know how to make her way across the room. She will spot an object that she wants and then will find a way to get there. Once she has accomplished getting to where she wants to be, she spots another object she wants and starts making her way over there. This is pretty much what she enjoys doing for a good portion of her day. It's really exciting seeing her so mobile!

I have saved some good news for last..... JAYDE HAS BOOKED A SHOOT! It's for Pottery Barn Kids on October 12th. Exciting!!!!!!!!

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