Sunday, July 10, 2011

Number 30

Call me a paranoid, crazy, obsessed, creepy, or whatever else comes to mind. I, Michelle Hanson, have a baby monitor with a camera on it so I can look at Jayde in her crib while she sleeps. No, I do not sit there and stare at her all night long. It's just something that gives me a piece of mind. I sleep better with it on my night stand, and I'm sure Jayde sleeps better without me barging into her room to check on her while she's trying to get her beauty sleep. Friday night I woke up at about 2:00 in the morning and went to the kitchen to get some water. When I laid back in bed and glanced over at the monitor I noticed that Jayde's little legs where flailing up in the air. Was she crying? No. I rolled over onto my side thought to myself, "I'll just go back to sleep until I hear her start crying." I woke up about 45 minutes later to silence assuming she was sleeping. When I looked at the monitor, there she was, still awake. It was weird to me that she had been up for almost an hour without making a peep. What was even weirder was what she was doing while awake; rolling around in her crib from her back to stomach while doing some short intervals of intense tummy time. I was probably watching her while laying in bed for a good 15 minutes in amusement. I then decided to wake Keith up and show him her crazy behavior. After playing around in her crib for an hour, Jayde decided to stop and lay her head down the exact moment Keith woke up and looked at the monitor. He must have thought that I was either dreaming or going crazy. Last night I woke up briefly and saw Jayde moving around in her crib again, this time I didn't stay up to watch the show.

Why is Jayde having periods of the night where she is actively awake and playing in the crib? I don't think I will ever be able to answer that question. What I do know is that I am very thankful that she keeps her awake time to herself and doesn't feel the need to wake me up with her. The only thing that does concern me is that fact that these last two nights she has been sleeping on her stomach. I do put her on her back when I put her to sleep. I do remember the doctor telling me that there is nothing I can do if she chooses to sleep on her stomach or side rather than her back. I do know that since Jayde can roll over and push up on her arms that she can protect herself from suffocation. And I do know that Jayde has past the age in which SIDS is at it's peak. (For those who don't know, SID deaths occur in babies between the age of 2-4 months. It rarely occurs before 1 month or after 6 months of age.) But still, it is only natural that I continue to worry.

On Friday was Jayde's very first Go-See. At first, I didn't think we were going to be able to go because the labor office was taking their time in processing her entertainer's work permit. However, after stressing all week, I finally talked to her agent and she informed me that I was able to go to go-sees without her work permit and that I just needed to have it for shoots. The night before the go-see I planned on going to bed early so we could get an early start. However, Jayde had other plans in mind. She was being the most difficult baby that night. I wasn't able to get her to go to sleep until about 11:30pm, which is way past her 7:00pm bedtime. Not only that, but she decided that she was going to choose this night to wake up for a feeding. The next morning I woke up exhausted. The go-see was anytime between 9:00am and 12:00pm and Keith and I had planned on being there at 9:00 since our agent said it was going to be a busy one. We also wanted to stop and get some breakfast on the way there so we planned to leave at about 7:00am. Let's just say that nobody was out of bed before 7:30am. Keith and I quickly got ready and then woke Jayde up to get her ready. We ended up leaving at about 8:15am to head out to Richmond and we were able to still get there early.

Our agent told us to not be there too early because we could overwhelm the client. While waiting in my car I saw a few other moms walking in the building with their kids, so I decided that I would go in a little earlier then I had planned. When I checked in, there were already 29 people ahead of me. (Jayde was number 30.) Most of the time spent there is just you waiting for your number to be called. I'm not going to lie, it was a little hectic. I think the reason for it being hectic was because it was all new to me, next time I will be more prepared on what to expect. I think the experience would have been better if the lid didn't pop off my Jamba Juice. Thank god the company didn't see me spill my Caribbean Passion all over their waiting room floor. At least I had to courtesy to clean it up. It would have also been a lot easier if I didn't keep loosing Jayde's measurement sheet. First it dropped out of my baby bag, then I left it in my car when I went out there to change Jayde's diaper. It was just a disaster. Having to clean up Jamba Juice, keep track of a piece of paper, and listening for your number while holding a baby and a diaper bag in a crowded room is stressful! Other than that, everything else was great! All they really do at go-sees is take measurements and then take a picture of your baby in an outfit from their clothing line. All the employees at Le Top where very nice. I can't say that Jayde for sure got the shoot because there were at least 100 other kids there. I can say that the everyone adored her and that she looked cute in their clothes that she had to try on. Even if Jayde doesn't get the shoot, it was good for us to go and see what everything is all about.  Next time, I'll skip the smoothie and bring a folder to keep the measurement sheet in.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh ... one of "those" go-sees! They are not all like that, some are much quicker. If the agent gives you the "it's going to be busy" you know you're in for it. Some are MUCH easier!
