Thursday, July 7, 2011

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Saturday night I went out to dinner with some friends. I left at about 4:00 in the afternoon, which meant that Keith was going to have to put Jayde to bed without me being there. I wasn't nervous about leaving her with Keith, but I was nervous about me not being there since I've always been the one to put her into her crib at night. Usually if I go out to meet with friends I will put her to sleep before leaving. Jayde's bedtime is at about 7:00pm, so at about 6:45pm I called Keith to see how everything was going. She was already in bed when I called because she was tired, but she would not fall asleep. I ended up getting home at about 8:20pm and of course she was STILL awake. Even though she wasn't crying, I went in her room to let her know I was home. She was obviously happy to see me with her huge smile, so I picked her up to give her some hugs and then I put her back into bed and kissed her goodnight. I walked out of the room and said jokingly to Keith, "watch, Jayde will go to sleep now that she knows that her mommy is home." I checked on her literally 2 minutes later and she was fast asleep. I thought that it was one of the cutest things ever, I almost cried. At the same time, it made me feel like a teenager all over again. Except this time around I had to check in with my baby instead of my mom when I got home.
One of my favorite pictutes, I just had to post it!
Jayde eating food is going awesome. She has tried apples, bananas, squash, and green beans. She loved the apples, squash, and bananas! However, green beans were a different story. She took the first bite willingly and she was shocked. She had this horrible look on her face and then she started gagging, I really thought she was going to throw up. I tried to make her take a few more bites, but she refused. I ended up feeding her green beans for two more days after the first attempt. She did get better at eating them eventually, but it was obvious that she wasn't fond of them. I think in order for her to eat green beans I will have to disguise them by mixing it with another vegetable. Her favorite food so far has been squash. When I fed it to her she ate 2 whole servings, which is about 3-4 oz! I don't know if she legitimately liked the squash or if  it was just because she was so happy that she wasn't getting green beans again.

Jayde doesn't like green beans- can you tell?

I am obsessed with making Jayde's baby food, it's a little bit ridiculous. Last Thursday Keith and I went to the Farmer's Market and bought squash, sweet potato, green beans, and carrots for me to puree. I was literally in the Kitchen all night preparing her baby food to store in the freezer, I will probably be good on baby food for at least a month! The Baby Brezza makes it so damn easy! I literally wash and chop each item and then throw it into the food processor. It steams and then purees everything together. I can walk out of the kitchen and when I come back everything is done. The clean up is easy too. There isn't a million pots and kitchen utensils to clean up, just the Brezza! I highly recommend it for anyone who is planning to make baby food by scratch. Yes, it is a little expensive, but it is completely worth every penny! ( Wow, I totally just sounded like a Brezza sales person.) I am so happy that I have committed to making Jayde's baby food by scratch. With all the breastfeeding and fresh food, I am going to have the healthiest baby in town! Well, so I hope.
My very first puree, apples!
Speaking of breastfeeding, everything is going good for the most part! There are only 2 things that have been bothering me:
1. In all honesty, it SUCKS to be breastfeeding during the summer time. By the time Jayde is done eating, we are both completely covered in sweat from all the skin to skin contact. I'm not gonna lie, it is absolutely disgusting!
2. I always pump because it gives me a piece of mind to always have some stored milk in the freezer. However, lately I've been hating pumping because it has been ruining my boobs! My nipple is literally dried out and peeling, I think that when I pump it rubs against the flange. I know that this usually means that your using the wrong size flange, but I have tried every size and nothing seems to make it better. I have also been putting Lanolin on my nipples and although it seems to be helping a little, it still hurts! It all started when the weather changed to being hot. Maybe I need to increase my water intake? We will try and see if that works..

Jayde has reached yet another milestone. She can now SIT!!!!!! When people say that babies are awake and eat more before reaching a big milestone, they aren't kidding. I think it's because their brain is going through some sort of growth spurt. I was starting to get frustrated because the week before she learned to sit up by herself she was literally waking up every night, sometimes even twice. Then, all of the sudden, one day she was sitting all by herself. After that, she went back to sleeping through the night like the little angel she is. Not only that, but she has even been napping more frequently, which is very unusual for her. It so crazy how babies can't do something one day and then the next they can.
My baby girl is growing up, sitting all by herself!

1 comment:

  1. Jayde is growing so fast. Sometimes it feels like only a few weeks ago that we were graced with her arrival. And to think she have her own documentary series to read when she gets older.
