Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Plague

Almost two weeks ago, Jayde started catching a cold. We knew that she had most likely caught it from daycare because, well, daycare's are filled with other germ infested children. I always hate when Jayde is sick for many reason. The main reason, other than she is incredibly crabby, being that it is so sad seeing her so miserable. She doesn't know why she is feeling so horrible and she doesn't know how to take care of herself (i.e: blow her nose, make sure she drinks fluids, etc.) Because of this, I have always said that I prefer me to be sick instead of her. Well, I ended up getting sick too. Let me just say that both of us being sick is not okay. She was crabby, I was crabby, and poor Keith ended up having to take care of us both. Eventually, Keith got sick as well. We are all sick and suffering a sore throat, runny nose, and a cough. Oh, and of course, I have the pleasure of getting laryngitis and sounding like a man.

We ended up taking Jayde to the doctors last Monday because I was worried about one of her eyes. She had this weird goop stuff coming out of it that I had never seen before. After her pediatrician examined her, Jayde had pink eye and an ear infection in her left ear on top of her cold. No wonder she had been in such a crappy mood. We got a prescription for amoxicillin, which was suppose to clear up both infections. At the end of the week, her eye seemed to be a lot better. However, she had developed a really bad cough. This past Sunday, my mom watched Jayde over night for us so Keith and I could go to a friend's wedding. The next morning my mom called me at about 6:00. I'm not going to lie, I was a little upset because I was planning on sleeping in late that day! But, my mom was really worried about Jayde. She had a horrible cough and had been up whining all night while pulling on her ear. My mom told me that she thought I should come get Jayde because it was obvious she wasn't feeling well and just wanted to be with her mommy. She also told me that I should make her another doctors appointment to get her cough checked. I was worried, so even though I was tired, I hopped out of bed and rushed over to pick her up. On the way over, I called the doctors office to make an appointment for her later that day. Thank god they had something available, because when I got to my moms, Jayde was miserable! When we went to the doctors later, we discovered that Jayde still had her ear infection and that her medication was not working despite the fact that it did clear her pink eye. He prescribed us another medication, and then took a look at her chest. Before looking he said, "let's hope her chest sounds good, all the other children I've looked at today have had either bronchitis or pneumonia." Keith and I looked at each other in fear. Could she really be THAT sick? Luckily, no. The doctor said she had the best lungs that he had heard in a while. So other than her ear infection she still had, she was just sick. Hopefully she will be better sooner then later.
My mom and sister with Jayde at Pixieland while they where watching her.
Usually, at my previous jobs, my boss encourages me to come in and work through my cold. Because at my current job I work with new moms and newborns, I felt that I needed to consult my boss about whether or not I was able to go to work last Monday. She told me to stay home and not come back until I was no longer infectious, so that is what I did. I thought I would for sure be better by Wednesday and Thursday after getting a few days of good rest, but I didn't. If anything, I felt even more sick than before. After thinking about what my boss said about not returning until I wasn't "infectious," I talked to her again. Maybe I could come back to work since I was no longer contagious? No. I couldn't return to work until there was no sign of me being sick. I ended up having to stay home both Wednesday and Thursday too. It sucked. I had just started at that job and was already having to take sick days. Every time I had to talk to her to tell her that I wasn't able to come in because I was still sick, I thought for sure I was going to get fired. It also sucked because I wasn't going to be getting paid for that whole week! Good thing I told my boss that I wouldn't be returning to work on Thursday the night before, because I woke up with pink eye on Thursday morning. How kind of Jayde to give me both her cold and pink eye, right? I ended up returning back to work yesterday, and even though I am not feeling 100%, I act as if I am feeling as good as new. I make sure I take some medicine before work to make the little bit of cough and sniffle I have left, and manage to get through the day. I cannot miss anymore work! I refuse to miss anymore work! 
Keith and I spending some time together without the baby at the wedding last weekend.

Holy crap, being a parent of a newly walking baby is exhausting. The main thing that is the most draining is going shopping with her. Since she doesn't need someone pushing or carrying her around anymore, she gets tired of sitting in the cart quickly. Watching her walk around in the store is cute, until she starts to pull everything off the shelf. You have to keep a very good eye on her or else she will destroy the whole store! Eventually she will try and wander away, which at first isn't intentional. Once she realizes that someone comes chasing after her when she walks away, she thinks it is a game. She will run away and then turn around to look at you. When she sees that you are coming to get her, she will run away from you while laughing. That is the point where things become irritating. A lot of the times if it is a long shopping trip, Keith and I have no choice but to let her walk around. She usually gets antsy at some point and is way too heavy to carry for a long period of time. This usually ends up being a mistake, because once we are tired of her games, we can't just throw her back in the cart. She refuses! 

The worst shopping experience I have had is when I went clothes shopping by myself. They wouldn't allow me to bring the cart into the fitting room, which was irritating, so I had to take her out of the cart. I was probably able to try on one shirt. She would try and crawl under the fitting room door to get out of the room while I was try things on. Then, she would peak under other people's doors to say hi to them. I eventually just gave up and left the store. Never again will I go clothes shopping alone! I know that Jayde is just trying to explore and learn, but shopping with her is a work out! I am dripping with sweat from running around by the time I leave the store!

I have worked so hard since the day Jayde had started eating to insure she would be a healthy eater. Unfortunately, that has not helped in not making her a picky eater. This is probably because now that she is older, she has been introduced to delicious foods like grilled cheese and spaghetti. What is interesting is some days she doesn't mind eating broccoli, but other days you cannot get her to put it in her mouth even if your life depended on it. Because of this, I can get frustrated during meal time. One night I made her and the family chicken, asparagus and rice for dinner. She wouldn't eat anything. I don't understand why, because she loves all of those things. It was just that night, she wasn't feeling it. She sat in her chair whining for food, even though she had a plate of delicious food in front of her. So, I had to get something else for her to eat. I can't wait until she understands the whole, "eat your dinner or you don't get anything." At that point, she gets what she gets. But until then, I will have to put up with her mood swings and make sure she gets food in her belly.

I am also getting a little worried because she is more into the foods she shouldn't be eating, like sweets. I mean, what kid wouldn't, right? I think I'm just worried because I'm starting to give into those wants of hers. I realized today that every day I am feeding her less and less vegetables just because it is easier to give her fruit. I have also realized that because of this, she is probably missing out on a lot of great nutrients that she needs to grow properly. So, I have made a promise to myself. Even if I have to get creative in how she eats it, I will give her the food she needs. I cannot allow her to dictate her meals because she is too young to know what is good for her. 

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