Wednesday, October 12, 2011

First Photo Shoot!

The day before the shoot:

Jayde's very first photo shoot is already here! I know I signed up for this whole modeling gig just for fun, but I'm pretty excited that she actually got a shoot! I found out that she got booked about a month ago, and here we are. A month has just zipped by! So this morning I got to sleep in a bit while Keith woke up with Jayde. He came into our room during my mid-sleep and told me that Jayde fell and bumped her head, but I really gave it no thought. When I woke up and walked into the living room, I saw this huge red mark on Jayde's beautiful face. WHAT THE F*$&?! When I first saw her face, I wasn't thinking about her photo shoot. My poor baby! Keith told me that she was trying to stand up against the entertainment center and that she fell and bumped her head. After I asked Keith a million questions about how it happened and why it happened, it then dawned on me, SHE HAS A PHOTO SHOOT TOMORROW!

Crap! Jayde's first shoot could be ruined by the fact that she has a huge red mark/bruise on her face. I knew I had to e-mail her agent and tell her about it. Basically I said, "Jayde had a fall this morning and she has a 'somewhat noticeable mark' on her cheek." I was nervous when she sent an e-mail back to me asking me to send her a picture ASAP. All the pictures I was taking made the mark look 10 times worse than it actually was. I was trying to take a picture where you could see it, but it wasn't too noticeable. Finally, I got a decent one and sent it to her. She took a while to message me back, which made me even more nervous. But after waiting for an hour, she finally e-mailed me back saying, "Don't worry about it. She will be fine." THANK GOD!

Jayde's boo boo on her cheek!
Later that day, I finally got the e-mail telling me the time and location of the shoot. Like I have said before, most go-sees and shoots are very last minute. The shoot is going to be at 10:30 am in the city of Inverness. Inverness? Ya. I looked it up on my GPS, and it's basically towards San Rafael. It's about 57 miles away from where I live. I kept reading the e-mail and came across the "please bring" section. It said, "Playclothes. Girly, backyardy feel with a little bit of a romantic edge. Natural textures, fabrics would be great here. Go a little more earthy but still ultimately preppy. Colors: pink, white, with touches of taupe and yellows." Um, what? Good thing her agent called right after I had read the e-mail, because I was completely confused as to what to bring for her to wear. She read the description and started to laugh. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought it was completely crazy! She said to just pick out some "preppy-ish" clothing, and not to worry about it to much. Most of the time, they won't even look at the clothes I bring because they are going to have what they want already. The clothes that I bring are kind of a "just in case" thing, for whatever reason. I then told her happily that Jayde's cheek was a lot better from what it was that morning. She just kinda laughed and said, "If for whatever reason it's a problem, they will just photo shop it out." Oh ya, duh. I forgot I was dealing with professionals.

The day of the shoot:

Keith decided to take the day off of work to come with me to Jayde's shoot. Thank god he did, because driving there was insane! There wasn't traffic or anything, but the roads where curvy and foresty. Inverness is really in the middle of nowhere! We got there at the perfect time, I had enough time to feed Jayde and change her diaper before going in. When I say that she had a photo shoot, your probably expecting this big wear house in the middle of a business area. Her shoot was at a house in a residential area. Like, they literally rented someones house out for the day to have the shoot there. In front of the house there were huge moving trucks with all these props and things. Basically, they choose a room in the house and completely transformed it into a nursery for the shoot.

When I first got there, I was brought upstairs where I met another mother with a 10 month old daughter who was also going to be shooting that day. There was this lady who was there who wasn't part of the shoot really, but her job was to stay with us and walk us through everything. She had tons of toys for Jayde to play with, which kept her occupied for most of the time. Eventually they brought in wardrobes, which was pretty much just a plain onesie with a pair of pants. I guess the wardrobes weren't a big deal since Pottery Barn isn't necessarily a clothing store. I was just a little thrown off by the plainness of it from the extravagant "please bring" section of the e-mail I had read the night before. A lot of the time is just sitting there waiting. Your waiting for the photographer and and for everyone else to make sure that the set is perfect.

Waiting around for her turn to shoot!
The other baby was completely ready, so they decided to shoot her first. They where having a tough time deciding what pants Jayde was going to wear; the first were too long, then to tight, and then just right. Finally, it was Jayde's turn. While shooting they try and make it so the parents aren't in direct sight of the baby. That way the baby isn't distracted and looking at mommy rather than the camera or whatever else they want the baby to focus on. Because of this, I wasn't really able to tell if she took good pictures or not. After a while, she got bored with the people trying to sing her songs and poke her feet. They asked me to come in there and try to get her to be active. Right when I walked in, she seemed super happy, she started laughing a smiling. Then, all of the sudden, she started reaching for me and crying. I finally got her to calm down, and they were able to finish getting the shots they needed. The only thing that was frustrating was that when they wanted her to sit, she would crawl and when they wanted her to crawl, she would sit. But what can you do? She's a baby.

The other mom and I sat in the room again and waited for them to review the pictures. After a while they came in and told us that they wanted to take a few more shots of each baby. We looked at each other like, "really?". Not because we didn't want them to take more pictures, but because the babies where exhausted, hungry, and where kind of done with everything. She went down first for a little bit, and then it was Jayde's turn yet again. She wasn't really having it this time around. They where able to get some shots, but she was just done. She was happy when I was holding her, but then every time I tried to set her down she would start whining. They told me it wasn't a big deal. They had already got what they needed and was just trying to get some"extras."

I went and got my stuff together, got the time card filled out, and then was able to leave. Afterwards both Jayde and I where exhausted and starving! We stopped and got something to eat on the way home, and then we were able to nap on the way home too since Keith was driving. It was a LONG day. It was a 1.5 hour drive there, a 2.5 hour shoot, and a 1.5 hour drive back home. I cannot wait to see how Jayde's pictures turn out. I am even more excited to see her as a model for the Pottery Barn Kids Spring 2012 collection!!!
Even though I was stuck in a room for the most of the day, at least I got to look at this beautiful view!

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