Tuesday, August 9, 2011

YoBaby so cute she's been mistaken for Justin Bieber!

The last couple weeks, things have been a bit off...

After Jayde got sick with the stomach flu, she refused to eat anything. I tried feeding her everything, even her favorites: squash and peaches. The only thing that I was able to get her to eat was yogurt. Finally, two days ago, she finally started eating again. Not only has she been eating more regularly now, but she has been eating A LOT! Yesterday she ate two containers of apricots, one container of peach, and a banana YoBaby yogurt all in one sitting. I always feel like I should be concerned by how much she eats because she always eats so much, more than any other baby. Every time I bring it up to her pediatrician she tells me that I should let her eat to her hearts content. So, I guess me letting her eat as much as she wants won't hurt her. You would think that with all she eats that I would have a fat baby, but she is still my little petite girl.

Jayde's sleep got out of whack. She started getting into this weird habit of crying when I would put her down to go to sleep. I think that this was actually my fault, because I was the one who started picking her up. Literally every night I would put her down, she would cry, I would pick her up, put her back down, and then the cycle would go on for at least an hour. Finally, I decided that I had to sleep train her again. The first two nights she cried for about an hour. Every single night since then, I have been able to put her into her bed without hearing a peep come from her. I think this time, it has worked even better. I don't know whether it's because she is older or because she has already been sleep trained before. Every night at about 6:30pm I feed her, and at about 7:00pm she looks at me like, "Mom, put me to bed!" I will put her in her crib, she will roll around for about 5 minutes, and then she will fall asleep. Most nights she sleeps through the night! She occasionally wakes up at about 3:00am for a night time feeding.

Jayde hasn't been napping, at all. She wakes at about 6:30 or 7:00 every morning, and she goes to bed at about 7:00 every night. That is about a 12 hour stretch without her sleeping. You would think she would be exhausted, but she's not. She does get a little tired around 4:00 in the afternoon, but she still makes it to 7:00pm without sleeping. I really do wish she would nap, it would be nice to have a break sometime during the day. Sometimes I'll be feeding her and she will be sleeping while eating, I sit there hoping she doesn't wake up so I can set her down to sleep. Then, all of the sudden, she will open her eyes and sit herself up as if she was never sleeping. It's so frustrating, but I'm starting to get used to it. I mean, she's generally a very good, happy baby. I can sit her on her blanket and she will play with her toys for a little bit while I clean. I just need to find more activities for us to to during the day to occupy our time.

I think the only reason why I get so frustrated with her not napping is because I want to take a nap too. You would think that is she sleep for 12 hours at night that I would be sleeping wonderfully. However, even though she goes to bed at 7:00pm I still continue to stay awake until about 11pm or later. I get so occupied with cleaning, watching movies, and relaxing that when I look at the time it's already late. I've been trying to get to bed earlier, usually around 9pm or 10pm, but It's been hard because Keith and I are in the middle of watching the third season of Weeds. I really only plan on watching an episode or two, but Keith always convinces me to watch "just one more." I always regret staying up late when I wake up in the morning, EVERYDAY. All I know is that I need to start going to bed earlier consistently, period.

Jayde had another go-see last Wednesday. It was for the Pottery Barn Kids, and they are so organized! Them being organized made it so much easier to deal with. Everyone had a specific time to be seen, Jayde's time was 10:13am. I literally went in, got her number, they took pictures of her, and then we were done. The only thing that sucked was the I forgot to take her earrings out! Her agent told me that she needed her earrings out for all go-sees and shoots. I was so pissed! I was reminding myself all morning to take them out, but I never did. Ahhhh!

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