Friday, May 4, 2012

Little Diva

It has taken me a while to write another post, yet again. A few nights ago Keith asked me, "when will you be writing another blog?" My response was, "what do you mean, I just wrote one!" But then, I looked and saw that my last blog was written about two months ago. Does time really fly by that fast? I suppose it does. I guess between working and chasing around a toddler all day, I haven't really had much time on my hands to sit down with my computer and write a blog, let alone anything. This is probably the first time I have even touched an actual keyboard in over 2 months, since I am usually just checking things on my phone on the go.

After 15 months of only "sometimes" napping, Jayde has finally discovered that taking an hour or two out of her day and resting isn't necessarily a bad thing. I am not saying that she doesn't fight it, because she for sure does. It takes her about 30 minutes of throwing a tantrum before she falls asleep. A tantrum involves: screaming, crying, kicking, and flopping around. Their are two reasons why she throws this fit. One, because she is tired. Two, because I am no longer allowing her to have any boob during the day. This means that I do not breastfeed her before her naps and she needs to fall asleep by herself! Since it is a big adjustment to not get any boob and to take a nap during the daytime, I compromise with her. She gets to take a nap in my bed, and I lay down with her before she goes to sleep and is throwing her tantrum. It is weird, because while she is crying she refuses to let me touch her. So I just sit there and watch her for the most part, trying to comfort her when I can. Eventually after screaming and flopping around for a while, she finds a "flop" that puts her in a comfortable position to sleep. Even though laying in bed watching her scream and yell is the longest 30 minutes of my day, it is worth it. I get at least an hour to myself to do whatever I want without having to worry about Jayde. This usually involves either dishes, laundry, or catching up on my DVRed shows. The good thing is that she is starting to get used to this routine. Every day she cries less and less, which hopefully means that she will eventually fall asleep with no struggle.

Nap time!!!
Jayde is only 16 months, and she already has an accessory obsession. Sunglasses, hats, purses, and most of all- SHOES. If she is already obsessed with these things, just imagine how much trouble I am going to be in when she is older! I can barley bring her shopping with me anymore. She runs straight to the accessory section and starts pulling all of the sunglasses of the rack to try them all on. Like I said, the worst is shoes. Every day she has to take all of her shoes out of her bin and spread them around the entire house. She now refuses to walk around without shoes, she must have them on at all times. The other day while I was changing her diaper, I took her shoes off so I was able to take off her pants easier. Bad idea, because she threw a fit! I immediately put them back on, and she was happy again. Today as I was laying down with Jayde for a nap, she brought her shoes over to me. I refused to put them on, because why would anyone in their mind wear shoes while sleeping? She sat their crying for about 5 minutes trying to put them on herself. She finally gave up, laid down, and fell asleep. With her shoes in her hands. Even though she does have some tom boy tendencies, she is also the ultimate girly girl. She even poses for the camera now and says "cheeeese" while doing her signature pose; the head tilt. She is such a little ham.

"The head tilt"
Rockin' the sunglasses
Napping with her shoes.
People always say that the newborn stage is so hard. My daughter is now almost 16 months, I sometimes wish I could go back to those days. In those times, babies cry for a purpose; because their hungry, dirty, cold, hot, etc. Those things were usually easy to fix. Now, their is a new reason to throw a "the world is ending" fit, and that is because of the word "no". A lot of the times, it will just be a quick "no", she will cry for a minute, and then the situation will be over with. Other times, I will say "no", and then she will throw the world's biggest fit for who knows how long. When these moments happen, I realize that the "terrible twos" are approaching a lot quicker than I had anticipated. I was in the store the other day, waiting in line to pay for some items. Jayde kept trying to wander off, so I grabbed her arm and told her to stay next to me. You would think that this wouldn't be too much to ask, but to Jayde it was the worst thing ever. She literally fell onto the floor on her back and started screaming. What did I do about it? I let her lay their and cry. Picking her up and trying to calm her down wasn't going to work, and I sure in hell wasn't going to just give into her wants and just let her wander away from me. Was I embarrassed? No. The people who were ahead of me in line let me go ahead of them. Whether it was because they were understanding or annoyed, who cares?

Tantrum time!
I feel like ever since Jayde had started attending Daycare, she is constantly sick. Over the last month, I estimate that she has been sick about 3 times. I know that this is considered normal because she is around other kids and new germs, but holy shit! I was not prepared for me to be taking care of a sick baby all the time! Last week was the worst! She had an on/off temperature of 103 degrees and wasn't feeling well at all. With every day, she seemed to be getting worse and worse. She started having diarrhea, not taking any food or liquids, and started being really lethargic. It was scary. I got even more worried when I called the advise nurse, they were really concerned about her hydration. They told me that she was really close to being dehydrated and that I needed to get liquids in her. After I got off the phone, I went to the store and bought every juice and Popsicle possible. She didn't want anything to do with any of it. So, Keith and I ended up having to shoot Pedialite down her throat with a syringe to ensure that she had some liquids before putting her to bed. The next day the doctors office called me and wanted to make an appointment for Jayde to come in, just to make sure everything was fine. When we got there, they checked her out and couldn't find any obvious signs of what was causing her to be so sick. The doctor took a culture of her throat, and also taped a bag to her "girl parts" to get a urine sample. All the tests ended up coming back fine, which meant that we still didn't have any explanations. The doctor told us that it was probably just a virus, and that we NEEDED to make sure Jayde was getting fluids.  Her exact words were: "I don't care if she eats ice cream all day. If that is the only way she will take fluids, let her. We need to make sure she is hydrated, and then we will worry about her diet when she is better". So, that is what we did. She had lots of Jamba Juice and watermelon that day. Two days later, we found out that Jayde had a virus called Roseola. It is a common viral infection that affects young children. The virus presents itself as a high, sudden fever lasting about 3-5 days. After becoming sick, the fever drops and a rash appears on the body. That is exactly what happened to Jayde. She had tiny red bumps on her stomach, back, and arms.The bumps only lasted for about 2 days, and they didn't seem to itch. I am happy to say that Jayde is now fully recovered, and back to being the happy girl that I love and adore. Until today, when I noticed that her nose was running. She better not be getting sick, AGAIN!
Poor baby wasn't feeling well :(
Jayde and I cuddling on the couch while she was sick.
Even thought your suppose to wait until babies turn 2 years old to have them forward facing in the car, Keith and I decided to turn her around earlier. She was getting way too squished facing backwards. Her legs were bent at odd angles and she seemed to be uncomfortable. I know that I'm about to get tons of criticism and  remarks telling me "I'm a bad mom", but I know what's best for my child. Car rides are so much more exciting now that she is facing forward, for all of us. She feels like she is part of the conversation, and we all sit there and talk, laugh, dance, and sing. She is currently obsessed with this band called the "Fresh Beat Band". Keith and I bought the CD for the car, and she goes crazy when she hears us turn it on. The sad part is that Keith and I now know all of the words. It had even gotten so bad that I don't realize I am listening to it while Jayde is in the car. I guess things could be worse, like Keith I and I taking her to see them live in concert. Oh wait, we are already considering doing that in November. Shit!
First time facing forward in the car!
Jayde singing in the car to the Fresh Beat Band.

Car ride!
I know I always say this, but I am so happy of the little girl Jayde has become. She is so smart, happy, and has the cutest little personality. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing daughter.