Sunday, November 13, 2011


Okay, so I haven't blogged in a while. I'm not going to lie, things have been rough these last couple of weeks with sickness and teething plaguing my home and family. As I mentioned in my previous post, I was a little bit sick. Well, that "little bit" turned into "a lot bit." I was on my death bed for about two days after Halloween. Sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, chills, achy; The whole works. Pretty much I felt like someone hit me in the head with a hammer, twice. Then, once I started to feel somewhat better, my poor little Jayde gets sick. I don't know how she's feeling since she can't speak to tell me. All I can tell is that she has a horrible stuffy nose, which probably means that she isn't feeling so hot either. To top it off, Keith got sick a few days ago too. Jayde has not been sleeping well, which means that I have not been able to rest AT ALL. She has been waking up about every 2-3 hours, which means that I have been waking up every 2-3 hours as well. Because of this, a few nights ago, I started feeling sick all over again. I was laying in bed shivering and I even had a mild temperature. All of my lymph nodes are completely tender and swollen and my whole body is sore. I have come to the conclusion that with the lack of rest, my body pretty much hates me right now. I have been sick for over two weeks now, Jayde has been sick for about a week and a half, and Keith has been sick for about five days. In other words, we are all sick and miserable. Hopefully, all of this will pass. Sooner rather than later would be fabulous!

Just before everyone got sick, we went through teething. This meant that Jayde wasn't in the best mood, and that nightly awakenings were also frequent then as well. Finally, on Halloween, Jayde broke through her very first teeth. I am not going to lie, it is a little weird seeing her with two little white teeth growing in her mouth. I do miss her little gummy smile, but I am sure that I will get over it quickly. I bet you are wondering, "so has she bitten your nipple?" The answer is: YES. Non of the times has it has been purposefully. I have noticed that she tends to do it once she has dozed off a bit. She will bite, I will let out a yelp, she will wake up confused and scared, and then she will start crying. After all of this happens, I will completely forget that fact that she just bitten me and I will start to feel bad that I scared her. The weirdest part of her having teeth is the moments where I forget she has them,  like when she sticks my finger in her mouth and I feel a little sharp object cutting into my finger. I think Jayde knows she has these new things in her mouth. Today there was this weird moment where I was putting dishes away and she came up to me and bit my foot. Yes, JAYDE BIT MY FOOT! I looked down at her awkwardly and she started laughing, which means that her actions were on purpose. Today, with increased drooling, I realized that Jayde will most likely be getting another tooth or two shortly. The two top ones are starting to come in, which could also be a reason that she has been waking up so frequently at night. Although I hope this process goes by fast, many have told me that the top are worse then the bottom. More sleepless nights, here I come!

I spy TWO teeth!
Because of teething and sickness, obviously my hard work at sleep training is completely out the door. I will pick her up when she cries, she has slept in my bed with me numerous times, and her bedtimes have been at all times of the night. Although I did know that this was going to eventually happen, I cannot help but to feel frustrated. Sleep training was very hard for me! Just when everything was perfect, it became a disaster. I can only hope that since she has been sleep trained before, that she will fall back into the routine of things quickly. Sleep training Jayde was one of the best things I have ever decided to do. It helped me catch up on hours of sleep that I was lacking. I just need to remember of all the wonderful things that came out of it when I do decided to train her again. After Jayde is 100% healthy and done teething, I NEED to do it, regardless of how hard it may be.

Now that all of the bad news is out of the way, let's go on to some happy thoughts...

This year was Jayde's very first Halloween. Even thought I was horribly sick, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Yes, I know, "she won't remember it when she's older." That doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is that I was going to remember it, and I would forever regret it if I didn't participate in all of the festivities. You know when something is so cute that you can't help but laugh? THAT is how cute Jayde looked in her costume. She was dressed up as a lady bug, and she was by far the cutest little bug I have ever seen. On Sunday we went the the costume parade in the park with my mom and sister. It honestly wasn't that fun because I was miserable the whole entire time. However, Jayde seemed to enjoy herself and that is all that matters, right? On Halloween, we went trick-or-treating with my sister around my mom's neighborhood. Jayde had a blast! She had so much fun being carried from house to house. When people presented her with the candy bowl, she dove in it and picked out her own candy. It was the cutest thing ever! Her favorite candy to get was those little boxes of Junior Mints. She would hold them in her hands and shake them around while she spazzed out. Obviously I didn't let her eat candy, which means that mommy and daddy ate most of it. After a while, we ended up throwing it away because we were sick to our stomachs. You would be surprised to see how much candy Jayde got, people were literally giving her handfuls like she was actually going to eat it. All in all, it was a good Halloween and I am glad that I participated. 

Everyone has been asking me about Jayde's photos from the Pottery Barn shoot. No, they have not came out and I have no idea as to when they are suppose to be advertised. I assure you that when they do come out, I will be telling everyone who will listen. However, a family friend did contact me a few weeks ago asking to shoot Jayde for her portfolio. This meant that I would be getting copies of the pictures for no charge and that I would be able to add professional pictures to Jayde's portfolio. I just got the pictures back about a week or so ago, and I am so happy with how they turned out! Here are my favorites of the bunch:

As I have said before, Jayde is very mobile. She has now even given up her military crawl for the traditional crawl. I think she realized that crawling on her hands and knees can be more effective then sliding around on her stomach. I swear she is going to be walking any day now. She is always standing and sliding things around so she is able to walk places instead of crawl. The one thing that makes me sad about her being so mobile, other than she is growing up too fast, is the fact that she is so wiggly. I am never able to just hold her anymore. Not for even a few seconds. She is always trying to jump out of my arms and do her own thing. I guess it's part of her gaining independence, but sometimes I just wish I could take her in my bed and cuddle up with her like when she was younger.

Keith and I took Jayde to the zoo for the very first time yesterday. We all had a lot of fun. Both Keith and I like the zoo in general, and Jayde had fun looking at all of the different animals. It probably will be 10 times better when she is older and able to better express how excited she actually is. ("Wow Mommy!!! Look at the monkeys!!!!!!")  But, for being 9 months old, she was pretty excited! Her new things is pointing at things, which is what she did to pretty much every single animal that came into her sight. I don't know whether it's because Sofie has been a good friend to her for a long time, but the giraffes where by far her favorite to look at. Keith took her into the petting zoo to pet the goats. I wasn't able to see her face, but I could only imagine..
Jayde with her toy Sofie meeting the real live Sofie for the first time!